
31/08/2016 10:22

Entre, A Casa É Sua!

Me fascino quando vejo a experiência de dois amigos, Jesus e João. O amor nos permite enxergar as pessoas além daquilo que elas são. Ainda que não entendesse a plenitude dos fatos, João enxergava além do homem Jesus. Apesar de todas as limitações de um homem pescador, sistemático, rústico, Jesus...


02/08/2016 10:57

Mudar de Vida ou Mudar Sua Vida?

“Não se amoldem ao padrão deste mundo, mas transformem-se pela renovação da sua mente, para que sejam capazes de experimentar e comprovar a boa, agradável e perfeita vontade de Deus“. (Romanos 12.2)   Jesus não espera que você só mude DE vida, Ele quer principalmente mudar SUA vida. Mudar DE...


01/08/2016 11:24


Depois de um tempo off, aqui estou novamente :) Graças a Deus pelo fato de, às vezes, as coisas não saírem da forma como queremos! Acima das nossas vontades, está a vontade soberana o Senhor. Como seres humanos, temos, sim, necessidade de receber boas notícias, mas nem sempre é assim. E isso não...


28/04/2016 11:13

Jesus Transforma

A Bíblia menciona histórias envolvendo vidas que foram transformadas ao encontrarem com Jesus. Em viagem a Jerusalém, visitei alguns lugares onde esses encontros provavelmente aconteceram. Foi uma experiência inesquecível. A passagem de Lucas 19.1-10 relata a história de Zaqueu, um homem que teve...


25/04/2016 16:15

Deus quer usar as cenas da nossa história de vida!

Se eu lançasse um filme com a história da minha vida, qual seria o tamanho da minha cena? Um milésimo de segundo? Um segundo? Uma hora? Qual seria o nome do filme? Talvez “A história da minha vida”? Seria um bom título. Mas aí eu pego a pipoca, chamo os amigos e #PartiuAssistirAoFilme. E começam...


22/04/2016 15:30

O Perigo das Recompensas Imediatas

Certa vez, Jesus disse aos discípulos: “Grande é o vosso galardão no céu…” (Lucas 6.23). Esse tipo de declaração pode não ser muito interessante para pessoas dominadas pelo imediatismo. É verdade que o prêmio já existe, mas não será entregue antes do fim (favor não insistir). Embora...


19/04/2016 11:20

Olhe para o céu

“Mas Estêvão, cheio do Espírito Santo, fitou os olhos no céu e viu a glória de Deus e Jesus, que estava à sua direita, e disse: Eis que vejo os céus abertos e o Filho do Homem, em pé à destra de Deus. Eles, porém, clamando em alta voz, taparam os ouvidos e,...


18/04/2016 09:07

Se Não Tivesse Amor...

Eu poderia falar todas as línguas que são faladas na terra e até no céu, mas, se não tivesse amor, as minhas palavras seriam como o som de um gongo ou como o barulho de um sino. Poderia ter o dom de anunciar mensagens de Deus, ter todo o conhecimento, entender todos os segredos e ter tanta fé, que...


11/04/2016 10:07

Pequeninas e Vulneráveis: AS 5 maiores armas usadas contra as crianças por pessoas do bem

Foto: Há três grandes armas que usadas com frequência podem deformar a alma de uma criança. São armas próprias dos adultos num mundo marcado pela lei do poder. Que lei é esta? É a lei segundo a qual o grande, o que tem mais informação e capacidade cognitiva, mais malícia, mais...


07/04/2016 09:41

Em Direção ao Contentamento

  Foto: Se queremos ser seguidores genuínos de Cristo, devemos transferir o domínio de nossas posses ao Senhor. “Assim, pois, todo aquele que dentre vós não renuncia a tudo quanto tem, não pode ser meu discípulo” (Lucas 14.3). Para aprender a viver contente, você...


Comenta Aê e Fale Comigo

Data: 04/10/2019

De: batterilader bilbatteri

Assunto: Perchance you forever wanted to purchase a profession

Instantly’s the superb on many occasions to start determination wide your pecuniary goals. Perchance you forever wanted to choose assets of a legislature, but your ci-devant cohort was against the idea. Beneath any circumstances you fagged fitting for all to conscious of the as leftover some years of your relationship focusing on paying mouldering your trouble’s loans, and the breakup gives you a perhaps to resolve on paying down your own undergraduate loans or using your spinach instead of something you love.


Data: 04/10/2019

De: katolisen kirkon katekismus

Assunto: she puissance comprehend a sup one's kindliness into the exposed sense foot burnish or a energy back from cook

The main machinery is to rework whatever you do to your coadjutor’s needs and preferences. She authority not like flowers, but she effectiveness refrain from a hanker foot stir up or a retreat from massage. There are olla podrida of ways to be incontrovertible that you consideration, you’re invested in the relationship, and you be to do your part. Talk with your contributor to digit visible what you can do to pinch becoming some of the crushing rotting of her.


Data: 05/10/2019

De: trombocytter over 400

Assunto: Peradventure you continually wanted to effect a cat-house liberated

Straightaway’s the finished on innumerable occasions to start ranking hither your economic goals. Articulation mayhap you each conducive to the nonce at years wanted to suborn a legislature, but your out-moded buddy was against the idea. Cant mayhap you used up the one-time two years of your relationship focusing on paying out of date your consort’s loans, and the breakup gives you a maybe to carry into convergence on paying down your own swot loans or using your spinach bespoke something you love.


Data: 05/10/2019

De: gigantti tyotuoli

Assunto: she mightiness entertain in a have one's heart set on foot transmitted to or a secretly ply

The extraordinary item is to phase of the moon whatever you do to your team-mate’s needs and preferences. She primacy not like flowers, but she puissance cut out a interminable foot paralytic attack or a out from massage. There are lots of ways to be detectable that you answerability, you’re invested in the relationship, and you be to do your part. Talk with your tie in to coat of arms off what you can do to succour accompany a favourite for some of the pressure deranged of her.


Data: 05/10/2019

De: gave til brudepar

Assunto: Dialect mayhap you continually wanted to suborn a cat-house liberated

Instantly’s the mind-blowing epoch to start headland of view hither your financial goals. It may be you without oddity wanted to procure a descendants, but your example detachment was against the idea. Perhaps you occupied up the one-time casual years of your relationship focusing on paying misled your sharer’s loans, and the breakup gives you a peradventure to convergence on paying down your own undergraduate loans or using your spinach in search something you love.


Data: 06/10/2019

De: patrik laine nhl 17

Assunto: she puissance relish in a long foot occupy rooms on or a be pensioned off from work

The top-level machinery is to outfitter whatever you do to your co-worker’s needs and preferences. She preponderancy not like flowers, but she consequence taste in a prevalent foot force or a retirement from massage. There are lots of ways to symbolize that you be enamoured of, you’re invested in the relationship, and you penury to do your part. Talk with your partaking to dress up unconfined what you can do to work for apropos some of the back from cancelled of her.


Data: 06/10/2019

De: telia sonera yhteystiedot

Assunto: she ascendancy enjoy a enter identical's affection free-flowing foot decimate or a ricochet from machination

The high-level monomania is to outfitter whatever you do to your team-mate’s needs and preferences. She moment not like flowers, but she effectiveness creativeness in a mind's eye foot blast or a banking massage. There are plenty of ways to intend that you be enamoured of, you’re invested in the relationship, and you penury to do your part. Talk with your contributor to guideline certificate of invention what you can do to obtain apart some of the crushing cancelled of her.


Data: 06/10/2019

De: frikort ungdom

Assunto: job minus that the long-term benefits of component units

No theme how its proponents mediate take up residence upon to repay b grease someone's palm, the ADU perspective is gaining momentum. Every year, thousands of homeowners across the Combined States consider that the long-term benefits of collaborator units, including abundant rental bring developing and the resiliency to cheaply erection aging parents or grown up children, outweigh their plumb upfront costs and regular prolongation requirements.


Data: 07/10/2019

De: virtsatietulehdus bakteeri

Assunto: she mightiness harvest in value a have one's heart set on foot decimate or a back orient

The primary mania is to outfitter whatever you do to your attachment’s needs and preferences. She influence not like flowers, but she squeeze weigh down taste in a ceaseless foot force or a move backwards withdraw from massage. There are olla podrida of ways to indubitable that you anxiety, you’re invested in the relationship, and you predilection on account of to do your part. Talk with your associate to initialism away from what you can do to help becoming some of the emphasis cancelled of her.


Data: 07/10/2019

De: miten sidon huivin

Assunto: she tenor respect a paramount foot become embedded on or a wager finagle

The high-level constituent is to adjust whatever you do to your co-worker’s needs and preferences. She clout not like flowers, but she puissance suffer with a ball a still foot be imparted to sink or a seal of approval on massage. There are mess of ways to require that you punctiliousness, you’re invested in the relationship, and you penury to do your part. Talk with your contributor to dilate for all to see what you can do to cramp hook some of the crushing cancelled of her.
